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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Girls' Room & A 26 Week Update

We finally have the girls' room done (other than getting a new toy box) and they have been sleeping together for about 2 or 3 weeks now! I was a little nervous about this transition but they have done great together! Sleeping at night really hasn't been an issue and the only time they get in trouble is during nap. Every now and then, if they are both awake when nap starts, I can hear Brooklyn giggling and I know that Maddie is doing something entertaining. I'll let them play for a few minutes and then head in there to get onto Maddie and lay Brooklyn back down. It's usually quiet after that and I am one pleased mama through this whole adjustment!

Here are a few pictures:

I still plan on changing the window treatment and when Brooklyn is old enough, we are going to get them bunk beds with matching bedding. For now, I think this works perfectly and they are being the best of sisters!

In other news, Im a little over 26 weeks along now and doing great!I can hardly believe Im almost to the 3rd trimester. I saw my doctor yesterday and I'll see her again in only two weeks. No more month long waits! Wow! My weight gain has been great (9 pounds as of yesterday) and other than some sciatic nerve and pelvis pain, Im doing well. I think Easton is doing flips most days and I enjoy feeling the movements. We are starting the process of working on his nursery and I have two baby showers coming up in June. With Brooklyn, I was put on bed rest at 28 weeks, so I get nervous as I approach that point. BUT, things continue to go well and Im praying that the remainder of this pregnancy is a smooth one!

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