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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I am so blessed to not only be a mom, but to have the two most beautiful girls anyone could ask for! And to think....next year I'll be celebrating with a little boy! God is just so good and Im so grateful to have the best job in the world!

Maddie was so excited to give me my presents, that she gave them to me last night! I received a handmade gift from the girls on canvas (thanks to daddy's, nana's, and mawmaw's help!) and a few other gifts. Jaime also bought The Vow for me and we watched it together. Today, I had a great morning at church where all mom's were recognized with a lovely rose and more special gifts from Maddie that she made in Sunday school. I took my mom out to eat at Fresh after church and tonight-Jaime is going to grill for me. Im one lucky lady!

a new sign for my kitchen wall

so sweet, those girls of mine

few more knick-knacks from my favorite store

What a great day it's been!

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