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Monday, December 5, 2011

Tyler Christmas Parade and JTB

Every year, our church puts on Journey Through Bethelehem; a drive through nativity scene. It's my favorite event of the year and we always have a huge turn out! The past few years, we've decided to enter a float in the Tyler Christmas Parade to spread the word even more. This year was my first opportunity to participate in the parade and it was a lot of fun! Since I have a litle baby again, I was given the honor of dressing up as Mary and showing off the most adorable baby Jesus (2nd only to her big sister)! Brooklyn did great as we rode through downtown. It was so cute to hear the crowd clap for her and take pictures of my precious little one! They really got a big kick out of seeing a "real baby Jesus"! Big sister was awesome too. She dressed up like a donkey and rode on the float as well, hollering "Merry Christmas" over and over again! This week, JTB begins. It will be Wed-Sat from 6-8:30 at Trinity Baptist Church and it's totally free! So if you're looking for something fun to do, feel free to take a step back in time with us and watch as we try to display what Christmas is really all about! Rumor is....there's going to be one cute baby Jesus in the manger this year..... :)

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