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Monday, December 12, 2011

8 months

I can hardly believe that 8 months have passed since I delivered our beautiful little Brooklyn! What an amazing addition she is to our family! She is my sweet cuddler and a terrific baby!

At 8 months you:

-wear size 3 diapers
-6/9 month clothing
-you will have your next well child exam next month so I will know more about weight and length then
-are still a great eater! You enjoy cereal/fruit for breakfast, a veggie for lunch, and the same with maybe some fruit for dinner. You also are starting to enjoy little puffs and yogurt melts, though I break them up pretty small because you still don't have A SINGLE TOOTH! Nope....only gums!
-still love to nurse though we are coming down in feedings. You usually nurse for the last time at about 7 in the evening and go to bed at 8.
-sleep from 8 to about 6:30 or 7.You nurse as soon as you wake up. You usually take 2, two hour naps. Once around 9am and again at about 1 or 1:30 in the afternoon.
-you are still easily amused and love to laugh. Recently, you've started making grunting noises when you see something you want along with trying to make other noises with your mouth(usually to mimic sister).
-you lean over pretty far when you are sitting with toys, especially if you see a toy you would like, and almost make it to the crawling position. I think that you are close to crawling but still struggle with getting one leg stuck from underneath you.

I can hardly believe how great of a baby you are. I am just so blessed!!

Watching daddy's fire

Your ornament

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