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Friday, December 30, 2011

5 Years



It's been 5 years since we had the cutest little Christmas wedding, ever! A lot has changed. We both weigh more, sleep less and stress a lot more than we should. But we are both so very blessed in this life! It's been a great marriage and I look forward to many, many more years!

Last night, we celebrated by going to dinner at our special place-Julians. It is the BEST food ever and I love going any chance we get. Much to my surprise, Jaime handed me an anniversary gift while we were there. Now, you need to know...we had decided that we were going to buy a Keurig for our giftto each other. We both want one and I thought that was the plan. Apparently, it still is...HOWEVER, Jaime had found a great deal on a pair of new diamond earrings for me over a month ago! I was shocked! And they are so beautiful! It was a great night!

Happy anniversary Jaime. Love you!

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