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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

All About Maddie

I can hardly believe, that come March, my first born will be 4 years old! My how the time has passed quickly! Now that Maddie is older, the posts documenting her progress, are few and far between. Things don't seem to change as quickly as they are right now for Brooklyn. However, I wanted to go ahead and write some things down that she does right now, so that I won't forget! Here goes nothing!


  • you are a strong willed girl and have been since the moment you were born. I truly fell like that attribute will work well for you in life, but for now, we are really having to control that stubborn streak in you! Now that you are a big girl, it often comes out in very sassy and bossy ways-especially since your vocabulary has always been above par. You are the epitomy of a little mama and I remind you many times during the day that you are afterall, only 3!
  • you are funny! Really funny! I don't know where you come up with some of the things you say and do, but if you aren't careful-it gets you in trouble too! Many times, you get sent to your room because of it. Then, once you are out of our sight, your daddy and I will often laugh about what you just did! Your a mess child!
  • the world hasn't encountered a better big sister. You adore Brooklyn! You are very patient with her and can get her to laugh better than anyone. You are a great helper (getting things for me, throwing things away, etc..) and it's so precious to watch your reltionship blossom with your little sister. You don't like to see her cry and have already informed us that you do not want another sibling, just Brooklyn, and certainly not a little brother...because they are "stinky" according to you. Ha! Guess, we will just have to see about that!
  • you have an amazing memory! You remember everything that is said to you, which is scary sometimes! You also still talk about the day that Brooklyn was born. You begin by saying that you were asleep in your room and when you walked out, Nana was on the couch. She asked you if you wanted to go to the hospital and you told her yes. Then you say that Brooklyn came out of my tummy. Same story, everytime. It's cute!
  • you are a really good eater! Some of your favorites are: spaghetti, tacos, chicken nuggets, peanut butter and jelly(which you call jelly bread), carrots with ranch, raisins, marshmellows, applesauce, yogurt, cheese, salad, grilled cheese, and so on. You love to drink milk, water, juice and occasionally are allowed to get a sprite if you've been good.
  • you are tall like your daddy but super skinny, probably only weighing between 33-35 pounds. You wear 4t pants for the length, but have to wear a belt around your waist and still are usually pulling your pants up!
  • as for movies/tv shows, you really enjoy: SuperWhy, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins, or anything you can dance too. You love all Disney movies, especially anything that has to do with a princess!
  • your imagination has really kicked in within this past year and I can hear you talking to yourself constantly when you play. You enjoy: coloring, playing with your kitchen, taking care of your baby dolls, dressing up in your princess outfits, playing with your hand-held gaming system, or anything outside-especially driving your car or ppplaying with your basketball goal!
  • you follow commands easily and when yu aren't being bad, will also say yes mam and yes sir. Things you can do by yourself: get in and out of your carseat, fill up your cup with water, potty by yourself (unless there's been an accident, but that is rare), wash your hands, dress and undress yourself, put your shoes on, clean your room, and most other things too. Your understand everything but if it's something you struggle with doing, you'll say "Im not old enough yet."
  • you're a big helper and actually enjoy it. You can help me fold clothes, unload the dishwasher and dust!
  • some of your favorite things are: horses, puppies, the color blue, music, bedtime stories (we've made up a story each night about a Princess called Olivia!), Vacation bible School and Christmas (you are very excited this year)
You are an absolute joy, Maddie girl! I continue to pray that you will grow into a Godly young woman and that you will be a strong, confident person. I love you so much and thank God every day for allowing me to be your mom!


The Gentry's said...

It's like reading about Macy, strong will and all!! She's beautiful Amanda! I still remember having lunch at McAlister's the first time I held her. It goes way too fast.

Amanda said...

Thank you! I remember that day too....wow! Macy and Maddie are alike in many ways. These girls....I tell ya! ;)

Windy Smith said...

I love that sassy smart girl!