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Monday, July 25, 2011

First Hair-cut

Saturday was the day for hair cuts in our family! I went to the salon early that morning and got my own hair done. Then I came back, picked up Jaime and Maddie, and headed to a new little place that had just opened to get their hair cut as well. This was Maddie's FIRST time to get her hair cut and she was nervous! I don't think she really understood what it meant. Truthfully, mommy was a little nervous too! :) She has such long, curly and gorgeous hair! But lately the ends have become very tangled and hard to manage so I knew we had to do something. So off we went! And there ended up being nothing to worry about! Maddie got her ends trimmed. It got rid of that tangled area and evened up her hair some. She still has long hair with her curls! Yay! I took a few pictures and even took home a few locks of her golden hair as a keepsake!

1 comment:

Windy Smith said...

That made me nervous just thinking about it! It looks great though! I just about had a cow when Erin cut Makayla's hair for the first time and now it is back down to her mid back.