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Sunday, August 7, 2011


We've been busy bees in the Crouse House, lately! Jaime has been in full swing with two-a-days for football. Bless his heart! I couldn't imagine coaching in this heat. I like highscool football but hate it as the wife of a coach. Im bracing myself for him being gone a lot, again. :(

We started the P90X dvd workout series. It is hard and I am so sore! I am convinced though that I will get healthy and will lose the rest of my baby weight. I dropped a lot of pounds right after having Brooklyn, thanks in part to my gall bladder surgery. Now Im ready to lose the rest and want working out to be the way I do it. I lost all my weight with Maddie at about the 6 month mark. That's when I stopped nursing which seemed to help me adjust the rest of my weight. But I always kept my little baby pooch! I don't worry about shedding the pounds. I've done it once, I'll do it again. And I know that when I stop nursing, that will help once again too. (Im wearing an insane bra size right now!) But I'd like to tone a little better this time. My philosophy is that you should always get down to a good size before you ever get pregnant again. And yes....I do want to be pregnant again someday. So I better get busy! Besides....I'll be 30 in about two years and I certainly want to be as fit as I can be as I get older!

Maddie ran into a wall today and got herself a pretty nice shiner. The saying "watch where you're going, not where you've been" gets said a lot these days!! Poor girl....

I suppose that's it for now. Hopefully next time I can share some more pictures and talk about something far more interesting!!!

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