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Friday, August 26, 2011

Picture This

My dear friend recently blogged using pictures from her phone. Great idea! I have well over a 100 pictures on my phone, and though I post many on facebook, none of them ever make my blog! So here goes:

                                                   A much younger Maddie and I, before church!

Playing with daddy on the soccer field

Reindeer antlers


That's my girl!

A favorite book


With Uncle Monkey in Wisconsin


A Rangers fan!


Pregnant with Brooklyn...Super Bowl

Wearing mommy's shirt, watching a game

Meet Brooklyn Hope

Love this!

Sailor Josh Templin.

Yes, she's pretending to nurse her baby doll.

He takes care of the baby AND washes dishes!

Rock Star

My sweet girls! Love, love, love them!

Whew! That wasn't quite a 100+, but still a lot of pictures! Hope you enjoyed!

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