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Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Week!

I just finished up my first week as a stay at home mom! I was at home with Maddie for the first 10 months of her life before going to work. Now, I am SO grateful to be at home again with Maddie AND my sweet Brooklyn!!

I started off my week early by waking up and spending some one-on-one time with my baby girl. She absolutely loves bath-time so I got her little tub out and put her in. It wasn't long before she was grinning from ear to ear!

This week we were busy with VBS in the evenings. The theme was Sonsurf Beach Bash and it was Maddie's first year to join in. She had a blast!! I helped in the 3 year old class (when I wasn't busy with the baby) and LOVED watching her interact and learn. By far, her favorite part was music. She would sing, dance and jump around! I wished I had more pictures to show but my camera battery died this week. All I have are the pictures off my phone. Here is a picture of all the bows we put in her hair for Crazy Hair Night!
Jaime and I took the girls to the spray park this week as well. Maddie loved playing in the water and we stayed until two huge bus loads of kids showed up! Luckily, we went early!

During the day, we stayed in a lot because it's entirely TOO hot outside!! Maddie and Brooklyn are such sweet sisters and Maddie is a big help. She loves her baby sister and plays with her often (well, as much as she can!). Here are my two girls, dressed alike (of course), and looking cute as ever!

And have I ever mentioned how much I adore this baby girl? I waited so long for this sweet blessing and went through a lot of pain to get her here! She holds a VERY special place in my heart and couldn't be more precious! I am so grateful for another beautiful and healthy baby girl!

1 comment:

The Gentry's said...

Sweet girls!! Thankful you are getting to stay home with them! Such a blessing:-)