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Monday, July 11, 2011

3 months old!

My sweet Brooklyn is 3 months old today! Each day with her is such a joy and she is a great baby! This morning we took our monthly picture in the recliner:

Oh, that smile melts my heart everytime!

Here are your 3 month stats:

~wearing size 1 diapers
~size 0-3, 3 month clothes
~smile all the time and you are even starting to giggle
~enjoy laying on a blanket on the floor kicking your feet. I even caught you trying to roll on your side once.
~have really great head control (just like your sister) and are very strong
~you are a great eater. You prefer breast milk by far and will take it in a bottle (the Dr. Brown kind) so that daddy can feed you. You eat about every two hours during the day to store up. Then you sleep through the night!! You usually go down between 9:30-10:30 and don't wake up again until somewhere between 5:30-7.
~bath time is one of your favorite things

We love you so much, sweet girl. I couldn't imagine life without you!

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