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Monday, July 11, 2011

San Antonio Trip

This past weekend, we took my mom and the babies to go see my brother in San Antonio. He's currently at Ft. Sam Houston for schooling in the Navy. He's planning on being a Hospital Corpsman and I haven't seen him since Sunday April 10th...ONE day before Brooklyn was born. We decided to go for a mini-vacation and introduce him to his newest niece! Since I'm a blood relative, I had to pick him up on the base. It was very interesting to watch the routine of military life. His dorm is treated just like a ship. Before he walked out the door, he would turn and salute the other seamen in their dress-white uniforms. Then he would say "permission to go ashore?" to which they would either reply "go ashore" or "permission granted".  When we would come back, he would then say "permission to come aboard?" and so on. I was his "battle-buddy" all weekend. You never leave the ship for any reason without your battle-buddy! He's also doing really well and is 3rd in his class with his GPA!

When we picked him up Saturday morning, we went back to the hotel where my mom and the girls had stayed behind. Maddie was so excited when she saw her Uncle Josh!
Then we packed up and headed to Sea World. Thank goodness for military discounts because he got all the adults in for FREE!!! We only paid for Maddie AND at a discounted price! It was hot, but breezy, and we had a really great time. Maddie and Josh riding a ride in the Bay of Play.

Waiting for the whale show to begin

                                                                       The whales

Feeding the dolphins

We went to the River Walk later that evening. We are at a Mexican food restaurant and then took a boat ride on the river. We also made a stop by the Disney Store for a few souveneirs!

Mom, me and Brooklyn at the restaurant

My family of four

We had such a great time seeing Josh and vacationing for a few days! I hope that we can see him again soon!

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