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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Birthday Request

On September 1st, my sweet hubby is going to turn 29 years old. As always, before any big event that requires a gift, I asked him what he wanted. I really enjoy giving people gifts, especially Jaime. I want to give him the best and always feel like my gifts fall a little short, compared to the things he gets me. So, I really want to do my best to get him something good this year. Here is how the conversation went:

"Jaime, what do you want for your birthday this year? It's almost here." - me

"It sure is, huh." - him

"Yep...so what do you want?" - me

"Can I have anything I want?" - him

"Well, I'm not sure...what exactly are you thinking?" - me(in a scared voice)

"I want another baby!" - him

"You want another baby? Really? Already? You do know that Maddie is only about 5 months old, don't you!" - me

"I know. They are already going to be too far apart as it is. I want them to go to school together. Grow up together. I think it's time for another baby." - him

At this point in the conversation, my parents are laughing, and Im panicking...afraid that we will always be broke...and I will never have my body back again. It took a lot of convincing for my husband to finally give into us trying for Maddie as quickly as we did. Now that we have her, he's gone crazy with the whole baby thing! It's insane....but sweet!

As for Jaime's 29th birthday, Im not sure I'll be able to give him a baby...but wouldn't be surprised if baby #2 is on his or her way a little sooner than even I had planned....

1 comment:

Caci said...

well, I think it is great for the babies to be close together! I was pg when Cole was only 6 months old...and even though we lost that one, Ben and I knew we wanted our babies close together....Jacob came very soon after that and he and Cole are so good together because they are so close in age!