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Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Little Fish

This past weekend, Jaime took Maddie swimming for the very first time! She was so CUTE! It was so much fun to watch her. She absolutely loved it! (I was secretly praying that she wouldn't be one of those babies that was going to scream!) I hope that she always likes the water and that she becomes a strong, responsible swimmer. I learned how to swim at an age that I would consider "late". I know all the basics, but am by no means a strong swimmer. I want different for Maddie! And for now, I think we are off to a good start by just letting her get use to the feel of the water, and having her kick around and splash!

1 comment:

Caci said...

all 3 of my kids love the water and I am so happy about that! It is so much fun to go swimming with them and take them to waterparks and stuff! We have a blast together!