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Monday, July 14, 2008

Busy Bees


I finally am getting a chance to slow down, sit down, and write a little. These past few weeks have been super hectic. From: moving into a new house(and all that includes), VBS, soccer camps, doctor's appointments, and the daily routine of taking care of a 4 month old...Jaime and I have barely stopped. Now granted, I actually enjoy staying busy. Kind of helps to pass the day a little. But right now, all I want is a relaxing vaca...maybe on the beach somewhere. And if it wasn't for the lack of money, time, and a bunch of stretch marks left behind from having my daughter...I'd be on that beach. Trust me.

Maddie is doing well! She had her 4 month shots today, and as always, was a trooper! I put her in her bed when we got home, and she actually laughed(and I do mean laughed, not cried) her self to sleep! Oh Lord, please let all my children be as good and wonderful as my first born!!!

Speaking of babies, another group is coming up. It seems like everyone is pregnant! And you know what that means right...yep, it makes me want to be pregnant again. Now this isn't crazy talk, because the minute I delivered Maddie, I was "ready" to do it again. I miss being pregnant! But when I say "ready", I just mean that it was a great and wonderful experience that by no means made me want to shy away from having more children. Regardless, of the two hours of intense contractions and extreme pain for weeks after, during healing. The delivery, however, was wonderful(epidurals are amazing)! And Jaime and I have agreed that we would like to have our kids close together. But realistically, there is still more weight I want to lose before I get pregnant all over again, among a few other things to take care of too. But, if I can make it through Maddie's first year, then I'm game for anything after that. I just need to get through this first year....

Here is a picture of the growing girl, with mommy at VBS last week! Gosh, if the next 8 months go by as fast as the first 4, then, wow.....

1 comment:

Caci said...

It WILL go by fast!! Cole will be 10 next month and I can't believe it! I am glad that you want to have more...we wanted ours close together too....found out I was pg with Jacob when Cole was 11 months old. They get along really well too since they are close in age.