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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Growing Up

Well, she's finally done it. Maddie rolled over this week! (the picture is of the little one in action) She's only gone from her back to her tummy as of right now--but that's a huge accomplishment! I can't believe how my little girl grows and changes on a daily basis. I'm so proud to be her mother and to have the opportunity to watch her develop. There is always something new now. It's amazing! With that happiness and pride, comes a sense of sadness too. With all her growing, I start to lose my baby more and more. Granted, she'll always be my "baby", but she won't always be the little thing that she is now. I suppose there is something pretty special about something so small and sweet!

1 comment:

Caci said...

glad to see you posting some blogs! Maddie really is growing up fast...they all do! LOL Cherish every minute...I know you are a wonderful mommy!