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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Welcome! My hope through this blog is to fill people in on the daily happenings at the Crouse House! For those that are far away, or those that are near, I pray that you enjoy reading about all the neat things God is doing in our lives!

This past December was a fun month for me! I FINALLY graduated from ETBU with a degree in sociology. Looking back, there were times when I thought I'd never get finished with my schooling. I had a few bumps in the road, but I finished none the less. My degree, whether I ever use it or not, is pretty special to me. Now time to pay back those loans! :) Also, Jaime and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary on December 30th! My, how time passes!

On March 13th, Madison Elizabeth Crouse was born! She is almost 3 months old now and looks just like her daddy. I can't even begin to describe how much I love that little girl of mine!
Jaime and I have moved back to the Tyler area and are really enjoying being back near family and friends. We've closed the chapter of our lives in Marshall, and are embracing the new things God has in store for us as a family of three.

I'm pretty content with my life! I have a husband that does all he can for me. A Godly guy, that is not only good to me but is also a loving and very involved dad. I'm not sure I could ask for much more! My Maddie is such a joy... not to mention, aboslutely gorgeous! Her smile melts my heart.

Oops, speaking of the little one, I hear her calling now! Till next time...

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