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Monday, June 16, 2008

Dance with Cinderella

This past weekend; Jaime, Maddie and I traveled to Crosby to see a good friend of mine get married. I was honored to be able to be a bridesmaid in the ceremony, which was beautiful! At the reception, Erin and her dad danced their daddy-daughter dance to Chapman's Cinderella song. Now, as if the song doesn't make me cry on a regular basis anyway, it was particularly moving to see a father with his little girl. It makes me think of my own little girl. Though she is only three months old right now; there will come a day when she brings that special guy home to meet us, and then, in an instant--she'll be gone. Though I'm sure I will be happy to see my child happy--to see her thriving, and to know that she is following the path that we all follow, the same path I followed; I also know I will be sad. Until the clock strikes midnight, I pray that I cherish each moment of Maddie's life--of all my children's lives. And when that day does come, I'll sit back and watch Maddie and her father dance to the very same song. And with a tear in my eye, but a smile on my face, I'll watch her go....

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