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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Family and Friends

What a great day!
Maddie and I had such a special treat today! Not one, but two, lovely ladies came out to our home for a visit! It was a blast! I love sitting around and talking with other ladies. And I love that they adore my daughter as much as they do and want to see her. Family and friends are the best!
On a different note, I want to encourage my readers to take the time to visit two of the other blogs I read. I do not know these women personally, but their story is pretty powerful. Take time to read about them and their families. Pray for them too. These ladies are so strong considering the curve balls life has thrown them. The blogs are: "Bring the Rain" and "A Little Slice of Heaven." Enjoy!

1 comment:

Caci said...

I was wondering if you knew those ladies. I clicked on the links for their blogs around the beginning of July and cried as I read. I am very amazed at how strong they have been through this season in their lives.