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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A few updates...

I'm starting to feel a little better. Sort of. Some days are better than others. I still think it's my thyroid, especially since I had two negative pregnancy tests(that's for all my cousins), and plan on calling my doctor soon to try and get a blood test in. In the meantime, I just keep taking my current dosage of medicine, and hope for the best...

School is in full swing now, and I am officially the wife of a coach AND teacher! Jaime seems to be loving it at Hallsville so far. It's keeping him busy, so Madz and I don't see him much. But, all the hard work he puts in to Hallsville and his club soccer team, is what's allowing me to be a stay-at-home mom for the time being. We sacrifice in a lot of ways so that I can be home with Maddie, but it's worth it. And luckily I have my degree and can use it any point, if we need it. =)

Hope all is well out there in blog world today! Until next time, here's a picture of our girl:

1 comment:

Caci said...

Maddie is precious! It is so worth it to be a stay-at-home mom....we were always single income and sacrificed a lot for me to stay-at-home, but I was totally glad I had my degree to use when I needed it (after Ben's accident). You will be glad you stayed home with her even if it means having a lower income than your friends!