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Thursday, August 21, 2008


I haven't quite felt myself lately. Actually, for about two weeks now, I've felt very poorly. My body feels drained, yet sleep doesn't help. I ache all over, my heart races on and off, I've had a lot of headaches, some nausea, and sometimes I just feel like if I don't sit down-I may fall down instead. My house is a complete wreck and I can barely get up enough energy to get out of my pajamas for the day. For those who don't know, I do take medicine for my thyroid on a daily basis. A few years ago, after being sick a lot, the doctors finally picked up on the fact that my thyroid was completely messed up. I went through treatment and now it is handled with a simple pill. No biggie...just one of those things! However, my levels do get off at times and when they do, I usually feel bad. During pregnancy, because of all the other hormonal changes, my thyroid went crazy. My medicine was constantly being adjusted. The same thing has happened since I delivered Maddie, too. It's just a process of leveling out the hormone again. At my last visit, I was normal, but I just have a sneaky suspision that maybe it's off again and that's why I feel so rough. The only thing that would prove it, is a blood test. I'd have to call my doctor and see if I could get in because I don't technically see her again until November. But, who knows....
Please pray that it's nothing, and that I start feeling like myself again soon. I hate feeling down for an extended period of time, and just trying to guess at what the cause is. Blah...


Melissa said...

Ever think Jaime might be getting his birthday wish?????

Windy Smith said...

I was think the same thing as Melissa!

Caci said...

yeah, I am with the other 2 gals!