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Friday, August 8, 2008


When Jaime and I first got married, we moved into an apartment above a boy's dorm on the ETBU campus. The dorm was constantly on lock-down, and in order to get in, you had to slide your school issued card to unlock the door. If you didn't have a card, for the "most part", you were not getting in. I felt pretty safe in my apartment. Not only did you have to slide your card to enter our dorm, but you had to go through two thick doors and up some stairs to get to our house. We were usually left alone. Now things are a little different. I live in a house, right off a major highway, and at any given point...someone could decide to break in. Atleast that's what I've been worried about lately. All of sudden, something that was never on my mind...has consumed my every thought. I think part of it is that I am not use to the house we are living in yet; on top of the fact that it's no longer just me and Jaime but we also have Maddie now to protect. Having children automatically makes you worry more! The other thing I'm scared of is fires. My biggest fear is..."what if I don't get to Maddie in time?"

I don't know why I've been thinking about these things so much. It drives me crazy. But I freely admit, there are a lot of things Im scared of...and that fear has become even more heightened since I became a mom.

Is this normal? I've been praying for a sense of peace lately. All I want is to have my family safe and sound....


Windy Smith said...

I think that is absolutely normal to have those fears. I think all Mom's fear those very things. You will always have them but they will come and go.

Caci said...

Amanda you are perfectly normal...I still fear certain things and one of them will always be "what if I can't save all of my kids?" Why do you have to choose???? A terrible worry for a mom!!

Melissa said...

Girl, just a few weeks ago when we went camping I pictured my children drowning, eaten by a mountain lion, falling off a mountain, and whatever crazy thing you can think of. Uhhh, yeah, it's normal to have fears, especially as a mom. But, you can't live your life in fear. You have to come to a point in your life knowing that those are real fears, but that God is a BIG God and ultimately He is in control.