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Monday, March 25, 2013

Great Friends

When I started work as a probation officer, I took over a gentleman's caseload as he moved on to a different unit. To make a very long story short, I got to know him and later on his wife. Over the past 4 years we've spent time investing in the relationship and so have they! It's been amazing to have another married couple in our life to be friends with. Not only that, I've become very close with his wife and she is like a sister to me! I just love her. I desire to have these kinds of people in my life-someone who reciprocates the effort to make time for one another and someone we can share life with. It's been a struggle for me over the past few years (and even more so over the past few months) when it comes to the "married couple" and "girl" friendships I have in my life. I don't have any sisters and all of my sisters-in-law live very far away. Obviously, outside of the Lord, my husband is my best friend and my kids are everything, but I've still felt a void personally as a married wife/mom. I believe that we were created to have community with other people and I love making relationships BUT also growing those relationships and not just letting them fall by the waist side. And call me selfish, but I would hope that the other person would desire the same thing with me. Nathan and Tiffany have been such a blessing to mine and Jaime's life. Recently, my sweet friend drove to my house to tell me personally that she was having a baby-something we had prayed over for them for such a long time! AND, it's a sweet little boy. Can't wait for him to get here!
We've had countless dinners together, they've watched our kids for us, came to Maddie's soccer games, birthday parties, and the list goes on and on. They are the epitomy of true friends and I am so, so grateful to have them in my life. For my 30th birthday, they gave me a list of 30 things that had to do with our friendship. It was SO sweet! They're the best!


Yesterday, was the big 3-0 for me and it was seriously a day I've been dreading for at least the past 6 months or so!  My twenties were so great and it made me sad for that span of years to "come to an end". In the past 10 years I: got married, graduated college, had Maddie, started working as a probation officer, bought our first home, had Brooklyn, became a stay at home mom and most recently had Easton! I have been so blessed and have had so much fun! I've also been really sappy! But the weekend really turned out wonderfully and all thanks to my sweet husband that put in the extra effort to make me feel loved! Jaime planned a surprise party (I actually figured it out and knew everything, days before :) ) for me on Saturday night at Chuy's with my family and friends. He lined up child care for the little ones, too. It was a great time and my family and dearest friends took the time to come out and celebrate with us! The theme was obviously "30" and some really creative people had a good time with that theme! :) We ate lots of good food, opened gifts, ate cookie cake and talked! I had such a good time and I was so grateful to Jaime for all he did!

Im really curious to see what my 30's will hold! Jaime and I have been praying about many things, lately, and Im anxious to see how things will continue to unfold. We know that the Lord is leading us to build for our next home and we feel that in the next year or two, we will build our dream house out on my parents land (versus buying a bigger house in a neighborhood). We both also have the desire to watch our family grow again and try for another baby at some point! I love having all the memories that my 20's provided and (though Im still emotional!) Im looking forward to the memories that will be made over these next few years!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Maddie's 5th Birthday!

Madison Elizabeth is now officially a 5 year old!

In preparation for the big day, I asked her what she wanted to do. She quickly told me that she wanted a rainbow party at the "Sonic she could play at"! So that's exactly what the girl got! My cousin, as always, created some cute invites and made both the girls some rainbow shirts to wear! I prayed that the weather would be good for her party since all she wanted to do was run around and play outside. It ended up being a little cool and windy, but NO rain and nothing we couldn't all handle! Maddie had such a great time and got lots of fun things. She had family, a few church friends, and her best friend from dance class show up to help her celebrate! I think it was a big success!

The 13th was her actual birthday,and we spent the day playing at the park and getting "blue-sprites" from Sonic. That night, Papaw (who couldn't be at the party) came over for her special birthday dinner and a few more presents. She had requested:

fried chicken with honey
string cheese
carrots and ranch
chocolate chip cookies

And that's exactly what she got!
She also got to go bowling with Uncle Alan and Erica! The fun never seemed to stop for this sweet girl! So glad that we've had the past five years to watch her grow into a little lady and we look forward to all the other fun things to come!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Easton-6 months

It's so hard to believe that my little man is already over 6 months old! Doesn't it always go by so quickly? I enjoy each day that my children are in, but there is something so precious about that first year of life, and I often wished I could freeze time! Easton, you are such a sweet, sweet boy and you have a very special place in this family! You are quite the ladies' man and everywhere we go, Im constantly stopped, so that people can take a closer look at you! From the moment you were born, the nurses oohed and aahed over you and just the other day, at your 6 month well check, I could hear the lady nurses talking about you from outside of the room! :) You are such a stud and we often say you are just "too pretty to be a boy"! I never knew having a baby boy could be so wonderful and I am so glad you belong to me! Here are a few recent stats about you:

-weigh 19 lbs 1 oz(75th %) and 27 inches long(52%) with a pretty large head!
-wearing some 6 month things but 9 month has much more growing room. You even wear one 12 month outfit!
-in size 3 diapers, one size under your sister!
-sit up well when propped and pretty close to sitting up all by yourself, soon I think!
-getting some light hair on your head but still pretty bald!
-showing signs of teething but nothing official yet
-rolling around and when on your tummy, will turn yourself around!
-not crawling or even getting up on your knees yet. You've gotta learn to lift up that belly first!!
-LOVES playing in your exersaucer and can spin yourself around quickly!
-eating 3 meals a day in your highchair and still nursing about every 3-4 hours!
-sleeping from about 9-6 on most nights. Occasionally, you will wake up once but go right back down after nursing!
-we lowered your crib mattress down to the next section!
-grabbing hold of everything (toys, hair, earrings, drinks, phones, remotes). If you see it, you want it!
-you are rough, constantly banging your toys down and laughing. I can tell you are "all-boy"!
-love giggling at your sisters and babbling at them!
-don't have many fat rolls but are a SOLID boy and definetely built like your dad!
-love your bath and enjoy splashing the water!

A few recent pictures of you: