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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Girls' Room & A 26 Week Update

We finally have the girls' room done (other than getting a new toy box) and they have been sleeping together for about 2 or 3 weeks now! I was a little nervous about this transition but they have done great together! Sleeping at night really hasn't been an issue and the only time they get in trouble is during nap. Every now and then, if they are both awake when nap starts, I can hear Brooklyn giggling and I know that Maddie is doing something entertaining. I'll let them play for a few minutes and then head in there to get onto Maddie and lay Brooklyn back down. It's usually quiet after that and I am one pleased mama through this whole adjustment!

Here are a few pictures:

I still plan on changing the window treatment and when Brooklyn is old enough, we are going to get them bunk beds with matching bedding. For now, I think this works perfectly and they are being the best of sisters!

In other news, Im a little over 26 weeks along now and doing great!I can hardly believe Im almost to the 3rd trimester. I saw my doctor yesterday and I'll see her again in only two weeks. No more month long waits! Wow! My weight gain has been great (9 pounds as of yesterday) and other than some sciatic nerve and pelvis pain, Im doing well. I think Easton is doing flips most days and I enjoy feeling the movements. We are starting the process of working on his nursery and I have two baby showers coming up in June. With Brooklyn, I was put on bed rest at 28 weeks, so I get nervous as I approach that point. BUT, things continue to go well and Im praying that the remainder of this pregnancy is a smooth one!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I am so blessed to not only be a mom, but to have the two most beautiful girls anyone could ask for! And to think....next year I'll be celebrating with a little boy! God is just so good and Im so grateful to have the best job in the world!

Maddie was so excited to give me my presents, that she gave them to me last night! I received a handmade gift from the girls on canvas (thanks to daddy's, nana's, and mawmaw's help!) and a few other gifts. Jaime also bought The Vow for me and we watched it together. Today, I had a great morning at church where all mom's were recognized with a lovely rose and more special gifts from Maddie that she made in Sunday school. I took my mom out to eat at Fresh after church and tonight-Jaime is going to grill for me. Im one lucky lady!

a new sign for my kitchen wall

so sweet, those girls of mine

few more knick-knacks from my favorite store

What a great day it's been!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week 24

The end of last week through the beginning of this week, has been rough! I ended last week with horrible nausea accompanied with headaches and chills. I never ran a fever, never actually got sick...just felt puny for about 2 days. On Saturday night, I felt good enough to go to Fresh with our Sunday School class. The food and live music were great and we had a nice time. Sunday, at church, I felt bad again but then felt decent enough for bible study that night. By Monday, my stomach was better (except for tremendous heartburn) but by Monday night, I had a whole 'nother set of issues. I woke up from a sound sleep to my calf being completely locked up. I had the worst leg cramp I've ever had and had to wake Jaime up so that he could help me stretch it. Since then, my leg has been stiff and sore-but otherwise fine. Im 24 weeks today and people keep telling me that I look great and am "all belly". Easton is moving a ton these days and you can see my stomach move from across the room if you are watching. Here is a little bit about the start of week 24:

-lots of heartburn, sinus issues, and leg discomfort
-waking twice a night due to a baby pushing on my bladder
-not getting a lot of sleep
-probably gained anywhere from 5-10 pounds, will know more at my next doctor's appt
-increase in appetite, still craving mostly healthy things except for ice cream!
-still loving being pregnant...despite the aches and pains!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Some Sentences

Im 23 weeks today and really enjoying my pregnancy this go-'round! Easton moves a ton and it's fun to feel him along with seeing my belly move. I am so anxious to get him here and meet our healthy, little boy! At the same time, Im really trying to savor every moment of this pregnancy, knowing that it is very likely my last. I continue to have Braxton Hicks and monitor them very closely. I dread the thought of preterm labor and bedrest again. I know that I am at risk but remain hopeful that all the "goodness" with this pregnancy so far, only continues!

Project Room Swap is well under-way! We are slowly moving Maddie over to Brooklyn's room (the pink room) and moving baby stuff over to Easton's future nursery. It's a work in progress and working is exactly what we are doing! I'll post pictures when it looks more like rooms and not like a disaster area! We've borrowed a crib for Brooklyn to use and all the other nursery furniture along with our current crib will be designated to little brother! Once Brooklyn is older, we will re-vamp their room again and get bunk beds for them to use, but for now....little bit needs to stay in a crib and I refuse to go buy a whole new set of nursery furniture when I don't really need it!

We recently took the girls to the Whitehouse Spray Park that openend. There is a park literally just down the road from our house and their recent addition is adding on a spray park section to it. Genius! It costs $2/person which is kind of a bummer BUT, they give you bands to wear so you can come and go all day without re-paying. They have nice beach lounge chairs and it saves me the gas I'd spend in driving to Faulkner Park. So it's win in my book!

Im totally in love with Pinterest! Im not crafty myself so I enjoy looking at other people's ideas and TRYING to copy them. I've made a few creations along with trying out great recipes! I baked a cake (from scratch) for the first time ever and it was none other than a chocolate/coca cola cake. YUMMY!!! My next attempt is going to be a southwest chicken wrap!

I found these online and have decided that my dear children will be advertising them in the hospital once little brother makes his debut in August! Cute, right?!?!

I just can't wait!!!!