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Thursday, August 11, 2011

4th Month

Happy 4 months, Brooklyn bear!
You have had an active and fun time lately! Today, we went to see Dr. Smith for your well check and those dreaded shots. As always, you got nothing but a good report and were a champ! Here are all your recent stats:

-wear size 1 diapers
-in 3 month or some 3-6 month clothing
-weigh 13lbs. 5oz (about average percentile) and are 23 inches long (10th percentile)
-nurse every 2-3 hours
-started cereal
-sleep anywhere from 9:30pm to sometime between 6:30 and 8:00am
-roll from your back to your tummy
-grin and giggle constantly
-rarely spit up, unlike your sister when she was a baby
-trying to grab at and hold onto toys

You are a wonderful baby! I find myself being extremely patient with you (probably more so than I ever was with your sister as a baby). I don't have much to complain about to begin with. Im blessed with good babies. But even when you are fussy or I am tired, I remind myself of everything I went through to get you here and all the pregnancies I lost. That will usually change my outlook on things, quickly!

Here are some recent pictures:

I suppose she knows a pretty baby when she sees one!

Wished I could sleep that

Yummy cereal

Big bow, cute outfit, gorgeous baby girl!

My sweeties!

4 months old!! Time needs to stop for a little while...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I am glad she is so good. They both look very cute!