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Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Coach

East Texas high school football started this past week. Hallsville played Tatum Friday night and won 42-7! I wasn't able to go to this particular game, so I don't have any pictures yet. However, I did get a shot of Jaime and Maddie together, the night before. The coach was so excited about his first game, that he was trying on all his football attire!
Aren't they so cute? =)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A few updates...

I'm starting to feel a little better. Sort of. Some days are better than others. I still think it's my thyroid, especially since I had two negative pregnancy tests(that's for all my cousins), and plan on calling my doctor soon to try and get a blood test in. In the meantime, I just keep taking my current dosage of medicine, and hope for the best...

School is in full swing now, and I am officially the wife of a coach AND teacher! Jaime seems to be loving it at Hallsville so far. It's keeping him busy, so Madz and I don't see him much. But, all the hard work he puts in to Hallsville and his club soccer team, is what's allowing me to be a stay-at-home mom for the time being. We sacrifice in a lot of ways so that I can be home with Maddie, but it's worth it. And luckily I have my degree and can use it any point, if we need it. =)

Hope all is well out there in blog world today! Until next time, here's a picture of our girl:

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I haven't quite felt myself lately. Actually, for about two weeks now, I've felt very poorly. My body feels drained, yet sleep doesn't help. I ache all over, my heart races on and off, I've had a lot of headaches, some nausea, and sometimes I just feel like if I don't sit down-I may fall down instead. My house is a complete wreck and I can barely get up enough energy to get out of my pajamas for the day. For those who don't know, I do take medicine for my thyroid on a daily basis. A few years ago, after being sick a lot, the doctors finally picked up on the fact that my thyroid was completely messed up. I went through treatment and now it is handled with a simple pill. No biggie...just one of those things! However, my levels do get off at times and when they do, I usually feel bad. During pregnancy, because of all the other hormonal changes, my thyroid went crazy. My medicine was constantly being adjusted. The same thing has happened since I delivered Maddie, too. It's just a process of leveling out the hormone again. At my last visit, I was normal, but I just have a sneaky suspision that maybe it's off again and that's why I feel so rough. The only thing that would prove it, is a blood test. I'd have to call my doctor and see if I could get in because I don't technically see her again until November. But, who knows....
Please pray that it's nothing, and that I start feeling like myself again soon. I hate feeling down for an extended period of time, and just trying to guess at what the cause is. Blah...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Photo Shoot

I found a cute outfit for Maddie the other day. At Babies "R" Us (my favorite store), they had a sale on all their spring and summer clothes. I picked this outfit up for $4 and I just love it, especially the little bonnet! I thought the peach color looked really cute on her and it was a nice outfit to wear to church. She got lots of comments, so Jaime and I decided to have a little photo session when we got home. :)

Friday, August 8, 2008


When Jaime and I first got married, we moved into an apartment above a boy's dorm on the ETBU campus. The dorm was constantly on lock-down, and in order to get in, you had to slide your school issued card to unlock the door. If you didn't have a card, for the "most part", you were not getting in. I felt pretty safe in my apartment. Not only did you have to slide your card to enter our dorm, but you had to go through two thick doors and up some stairs to get to our house. We were usually left alone. Now things are a little different. I live in a house, right off a major highway, and at any given point...someone could decide to break in. Atleast that's what I've been worried about lately. All of sudden, something that was never on my mind...has consumed my every thought. I think part of it is that I am not use to the house we are living in yet; on top of the fact that it's no longer just me and Jaime but we also have Maddie now to protect. Having children automatically makes you worry more! The other thing I'm scared of is fires. My biggest fear is..."what if I don't get to Maddie in time?"

I don't know why I've been thinking about these things so much. It drives me crazy. But I freely admit, there are a lot of things Im scared of...and that fear has become even more heightened since I became a mom.

Is this normal? I've been praying for a sense of peace lately. All I want is to have my family safe and sound....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Birthday Request

On September 1st, my sweet hubby is going to turn 29 years old. As always, before any big event that requires a gift, I asked him what he wanted. I really enjoy giving people gifts, especially Jaime. I want to give him the best and always feel like my gifts fall a little short, compared to the things he gets me. So, I really want to do my best to get him something good this year. Here is how the conversation went:

"Jaime, what do you want for your birthday this year? It's almost here." - me

"It sure is, huh." - him

"Yep...so what do you want?" - me

"Can I have anything I want?" - him

"Well, I'm not sure...what exactly are you thinking?" - me(in a scared voice)

"I want another baby!" - him

"You want another baby? Really? Already? You do know that Maddie is only about 5 months old, don't you!" - me

"I know. They are already going to be too far apart as it is. I want them to go to school together. Grow up together. I think it's time for another baby." - him

At this point in the conversation, my parents are laughing, and Im panicking...afraid that we will always be broke...and I will never have my body back again. It took a lot of convincing for my husband to finally give into us trying for Maddie as quickly as we did. Now that we have her, he's gone crazy with the whole baby thing! It's insane....but sweet!

As for Jaime's 29th birthday, Im not sure I'll be able to give him a baby...but wouldn't be surprised if baby #2 is on his or her way a little sooner than even I had planned....