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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1...Fall Is Here

I know, I know. The official first day of Fall has already come and gone, but it's finally starting to sink in with me now that October is officially here. (notice the change in blog colors, evidence #1)

I've recently purchased the makings for a spice cake, a pumpkin cupcake pan, packets of candy corn (my favorite Halloween candy), pumpkin carving tools and have brought down every Fall item I have from storage! WHEW! On top of all that, I woke up this morning and was freezing. My toes were so cold. I immediately shut off the air conditioning and have functioned quite well with the windows up today! I've actually been doing this a lot lately. It feels great and makes the electric bill look so much better!

The kids at our church are having a Hayride in the next few weeks (evidence #2...or maybe 3, I dunno, I've lost count) and I'm responsible for coming up with a game or two. I'm even trying to piece together a scarecrow outfit to wear to the event. Speaking of outfits, I think I'm going to put Miss Madison in her "First Halloween" onesie with matching bow, today! It should be cute, which means, I'll be doing my best to come up with some good pictures!

Until then, hope everyone is enjoying this nice Fall day!

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