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Monday, October 27, 2008

So, I was Bored...

In my greatest attempt yet, to avoid cleaning my house; I chose to take pictures of my growing and gorgeous daughter. I'm trying to put her in a couple of outfits she hasn't worn yet, because I'm so afraid she will outgrow them. I can't stand the thought of missing out on an outfit. Baby girl clothes are too cute for that!

Hope everyone is doing well out there in the blog world! Here goes nothing:

Check out the shirt! A good friend of mind made it for me while I was still pregnant.

She is precious! Can you see her two bottom teeth?

Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm Back!

Whew, it's been a while! Needless to say, things have been pretty busy around the Crouse House. I've been sick, really sick, and am still not feeling the best. I go see my thyroid doctor in about 3 weeks and I anticipate having a very lengthy conversation with her. I'm tired of not feeling well. Tired of it. Besides being sick, I've been spending alot of my time taking care of a teething little girl. Maddie has her first TWO teeth poking through on her bottom gums. It's so cute and pretty astonishing how sharp those things are! She was fussy for a few days but now that they have broken through, she seems to be happy again. She is also pulling up on everything! Last night she even let go of the coffee table, which she had used to pull up, and stood. Of course she was only in that position for a matter of seconds before she came crashing down. Luckily, this time I didn't find a bruise... :) Also, we went to our first and probably only Hallsville football game of the year! Maddie had a blast! She loved the band and enjoyed watching the girls dance in their pretty outfits. It was cool that night too, so it really felt like football weather. If it wasn't an hour away, then we would probably go to more. Oh well! Here are a few recent pictures. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


This past week, my grandfather passed away at the age of 72. This is my first time to experience the loss of a grandparent, and for me, it was somewhat expected; though I'm not sure one can ever totally prepare for such an event. His funeral was yesterday, and up to that point, I had really considered myself to be acting relatively strong. I remember when I was a little girl, how afraid I was of papa's possible death. I told one of my cousins a few days ago that I was somewhat glad that it happened now, in my adult years. I feel like at this point in my life, I can look at things much more realistically and think through it logically, versus what a child is capable of doing.

You see...
I know papa has always had relatively poor health. I know papa has been in a lot of pain for a long time. I believe that death isn't the end and I trust that time will help heal some of the hurt. And on top of everything else, I know how blessed I am to have spent as much time on this earth with my grandfather as I have.
But it still hurts.

Yesterday was hard for me, as it was for most of my family. The strength that I thought I had, turned into weakness once it all finally sunk in.
Am I over it?
Nope, I'm sure not. My heart hurts, my mind is constantly thinking of him right now, and the tears are still coming. I miss papa more than anything in the world. I'm not sure that will ever change. I don't think it has to, either.
For now, my plan is to write down (in my own personal journal) everything I can remember from my childhood...everything I know of these last few days...every detail of his funeral and burial...every story...every....
And then some day; with a little help from cousins, aunts and uncles, and all the rest...I'm going to tell Maddie all about my papa. And even though, she may not have known him long enough to remember, I'm going to assure her that he knew her! And she will be a better person because of it.

Yep, papa was larger than life, and one of the greatest men I will ever know. If I could tell him one more thing, it would be the same thing he told me when he first saw Maddie:

"You done good."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Cutest $3.00 Outfit, Ever. Complete With Matching Bow.

October 1...Fall Is Here

I know, I know. The official first day of Fall has already come and gone, but it's finally starting to sink in with me now that October is officially here. (notice the change in blog colors, evidence #1)

I've recently purchased the makings for a spice cake, a pumpkin cupcake pan, packets of candy corn (my favorite Halloween candy), pumpkin carving tools and have brought down every Fall item I have from storage! WHEW! On top of all that, I woke up this morning and was freezing. My toes were so cold. I immediately shut off the air conditioning and have functioned quite well with the windows up today! I've actually been doing this a lot lately. It feels great and makes the electric bill look so much better!

The kids at our church are having a Hayride in the next few weeks (evidence #2...or maybe 3, I dunno, I've lost count) and I'm responsible for coming up with a game or two. I'm even trying to piece together a scarecrow outfit to wear to the event. Speaking of outfits, I think I'm going to put Miss Madison in her "First Halloween" onesie with matching bow, today! It should be cute, which means, I'll be doing my best to come up with some good pictures!

Until then, hope everyone is enjoying this nice Fall day!