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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week 19

I'm 19 weeks, today, and moving right along with this pregnancy! Here are a few tidbits as of late:

-gained about 10 pounds thus far and wearing small maternity clothes
-have felt pretty sick this time but recently got my thyroid medicine changed which has improved how I feel
-am starting to feel more movement which I enjoy and helps to be reassuring
-things that have sounded good to me are: McAlister's sweet tea, French fries, cake (though I've not had a single piece!) and raisin bran cereal (odd, I know)
-now that I'm not as nauseated, I don't really have any food aversions necessarily
-still pretty tired for 19 weeks but am slowly getting a little more energy
-have had a lot of sinus headaches with this pregnancy
-have an anterior placenta with baby behind (explaining why movement has been a little "muffled")
-starting to feel a few aches in my pelvis and hips
-have my next doctors appt and sonogram on feb 13th. I'm so anxious to see her!!

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