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Thursday, January 9, 2014

16 weeks and 2 days

This pregnancy is moving right along and with each passing day, my belly gets bigger and bigger.

Everything about my body these days, screams "girl baby". With Easton, I felt amazing. Carrying a boy was so different and I loved most of it! I gained half the weight, carried all in my belly (though it was pretty huge thanks to a big baby), wore small maternity clothes till the end, had minimal to no swelling, craved healthy food and had tons of energy. It was fabulous! Nope, not this time though! I feel like I did with the other girls....tired! I suppose the sickness and stuff has gotten a little better but I'm still not where I'd like to be for 16 weeks! I can also feel myself growing wider and carrying like I have a girl baby....big! I'm pretty sure by month 9 I'll be a plump, swollen mama! Oh well...it's worth it, and for the most part-I still enjoy being pregnant! Miss Haylee Grace has started moving around more which has been fun! I'm soaking everything up, knowing this is my last time to be pregnant! I don't want to forget anything!

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