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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week 19

I'm 19 weeks, today, and moving right along with this pregnancy! Here are a few tidbits as of late:

-gained about 10 pounds thus far and wearing small maternity clothes
-have felt pretty sick this time but recently got my thyroid medicine changed which has improved how I feel
-am starting to feel more movement which I enjoy and helps to be reassuring
-things that have sounded good to me are: McAlister's sweet tea, French fries, cake (though I've not had a single piece!) and raisin bran cereal (odd, I know)
-now that I'm not as nauseated, I don't really have any food aversions necessarily
-still pretty tired for 19 weeks but am slowly getting a little more energy
-have had a lot of sinus headaches with this pregnancy
-have an anterior placenta with baby behind (explaining why movement has been a little "muffled")
-starting to feel a few aches in my pelvis and hips
-have my next doctors appt and sonogram on feb 13th. I'm so anxious to see her!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Brooklyn Says

Brooklyn's vocabulary has always been really good for being the "second baby" but lately it has just exploded. We hold lengthy conversations and the things she says can not only be accurate but hilarious too! A few things that she has said lately are:

-Brooklyn loves pb&j and the other night, her daddy was making her a sandwich. As soon as he went to put the jelly on, she excitedly squealed "that's what I'm talking about, dad!!"
-She loves to sing and can memorize songs very quickly. She also makes up her own tunes as well. She's recently been caught singing "I'm beautiful. I'm fabulous" and I can't help but chuckle.
-If she gets frustrated about something, she'll walk away and mumble "this is ridiculous"! The teenage years will be fun...
-While waiting to pick up Maddie from school, I was trying to sing a song with Brooklyn. She quickly said "mommy, don't sing. That's my job."
-At least once a day, she will walk up to me and say one of two things: "mommy, I just love you so much" or "mommy, I love your baby" and rubs my tummy!
-She calls Easton her "sweet boy" a lot and it melts my heart.
-If I put her to bed, she asks me to carry her like a baby. If daddy puts her to bed, she asks him to carry her like a football.
-If she's not calling me mommy, she will refer to me as darlin' or sweetie.
-The other day, I had a headache. She came up to me and rubbed my head, then said, "the pink medicine make you feel all better!" (Amoxicillin)
-If Maddie makes her angry, she will come find me and ask me to give her a spanking!
-And of course, I overhear lots of fun conversations when she is playing with her barbies!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Lunch and Soccer

Jaime had a JV tournament at Chapel Hill that he was responsible for hosting on Saturday. Since it was an all day event, we picked up some lunch and took it to daddy so that the kids could see him for a little while. We ate in the athletic office, hung out with Jaime's athletic director (who was a teacher and coach of mine in HS) and then went out to the field in between games. The kids loved playing soccer with their dad!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Lately, Maddie has been learning about the weather and space in school. She's enjoyed it and talks about it a lot. Today, she drew this picture and I thought she did a great job!


Several months ago, I found this Wisconsin shirt at a garage sale. It was practically new! If you know Jaime, you know he's a huge Badger fan and loves everything about his home state! I knew he'd appreciate his boy representing something he loves!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


After school, the girls went to their room to play. So I turned on Toy Story for Easton (one of his favorites) and he immediately wanted up in my lap. He's such a lover and I can't hardly pass up an opportunity to hold him! Love my sweet boy!

Craft Play-date

This morning, I took Brooklyn and Easton up to the church for a craft play-date. They made a few fun crafts, had a snack and played. I'm still getting to know some of the moms so it was a good opportunity for me too! We are loving Central Baptist Church and have prayed about joining soon. We really feel like God is calling us to serve there and it's been an exciting time!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


My cousin had her second baby boy yesterday, Jace! The little ones and I went to visit her today and get some sweet baby loves. He's a cutie! Then we went to eat at McAlister's before heading home for naps and to pick-up Maddie.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

16 weeks and 2 days

This pregnancy is moving right along and with each passing day, my belly gets bigger and bigger.

Everything about my body these days, screams "girl baby". With Easton, I felt amazing. Carrying a boy was so different and I loved most of it! I gained half the weight, carried all in my belly (though it was pretty huge thanks to a big baby), wore small maternity clothes till the end, had minimal to no swelling, craved healthy food and had tons of energy. It was fabulous! Nope, not this time though! I feel like I did with the other girls....tired! I suppose the sickness and stuff has gotten a little better but I'm still not where I'd like to be for 16 weeks! I can also feel myself growing wider and carrying like I have a girl baby....big! I'm pretty sure by month 9 I'll be a plump, swollen mama! Oh well...it's worth it, and for the most part-I still enjoy being pregnant! Miss Haylee Grace has started moving around more which has been fun! I'm soaking everything up, knowing this is my last time to be pregnant! I don't want to forget anything!

Phone Pictures

Friday, January 3, 2014


Nana watched Easton today, while Jaime and I took the girls to see Frozen. We had heard such good things and it did not disappoint! What a cute movie especially when you are the parents to two little girls! Maddie and Brooklyn had a great time and so did we! 


A few phone pictures:

Modeling new robes

And cowgirl boots

Our sweet, one and only, boy

15 weeks