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Friday, July 26, 2013

Wedding Dress-Up

For months, Maddie has been asking to "try on" my wedding dress. I finally let her and Brooklyn do it after baths one night! My dress is still hanging in its David's Bridal bag so it was easy to access. Maddie and Brooklyn each got a turn. Then, just for fun, I tried to fit back into it myself. After sucking in really hard, Jaime was able to zip it!! I couldn't believe it fit after 3 kids even though it was much tighter around my ribs than the last time I wore it! :) For some reason, I'm much wider than I use to be. Hmmmm....wonder what that could be from! ;) I was still shocked and excited! Us girls had a fun night playing around with mommy's dress!

1 comment:

Caci said...

very pretty and super impressive! You don't even look like you are sucking in! Great job!