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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Night Out With The Babies

Maddie spent the night with my mom and dad, so we took the opportunity to go out with Brooklyn and Easton. Brooklyn requested pizza and ice cream so we started off the night at Double Dave's and then went to TCBY. Brooklyn had a blast enjoying her sprite and eating her favorite-pepperoni pizza! Easton enjoyed it too and they really loved desert! We also went to Target and bought Easton his early birthday gift from mommy and daddy. When we got home, the boys played while I painted Brooklyn's toe nails! We had a blast with our little ones while our big girl enjoyed a night away!


Caci said...

Brooklyn is so super cute!! I hope your Double Dave's is way better than ours. We used to love it, then it got sold to new owners...now it is way more expensive and tastes gross! :( It was the kid's favorite pizza place, too.

windy said...

The Tyler Double Daves is yummy! Good choice Brooklyn!