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Monday, July 1, 2013

Update on Easton

Our little boy continues to grow bigger with each passing day and he's really changed in so many ways, lately! He doesn't go in for another well check until the one year mark, but here are just a few fun facts about you at almost 11 months old.

-a very healthy baby. Other than a few sniffles, you've had zero illness to speak of. It's been awesome!
-finally crawling "normally" & also pulling up on everything.
-wanting to move around constantly which means you don't want to be rocked as much during the day.
-you are still such a sweet boy though and you love mommy and daddy. You've developed separation anxiety recently and typically cry when we leave you in the church nursery but can eventually be distracted.
-love your sisters and you enjoy crawling after them as fast as you can, trying to keep up. They can really make you laugh, especially Maddie; and they are both very possessive of you-often fighting with each other on who you belong to the most! Son; these girls love you to pieces....just know that! :)
-working on tooth #8
-sleeping and eating great
-saying dada and sometimes mama
-trying to wave bye bye. We are still working on it.
-love balls and cars to play with.

Here are a few recent pictures of you: