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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Our Weekend

We have had a great couple of days! Our pastor at church is from the Houston area and is a big Astros fan. So he decided to take a big church group to the ballpark to see the Rangers/Astros match-up this weekend. On Friday, 77 of us went to the game and it was a blast. Our family are HUGE Ranger's fans and we had not been since I was just a few weeks along in my pregnancy with Brooklyn. My parents rode with us and we started off the night in Arlington eating at Saltgrass....yum! We then parked as close as we could to the ballpark and I began the longest walk EVER!

I've never been to a ballgame this far along in my pregnancy and it was quite the experience! Since we were such a big group that all sat together, we sat up in the upper deck on the first base side. However, it was shaded from the beginning and there was a consistent breeze so it was great! We enjoyed a Ranger win, some super sweet cotton candy (Maddie's request) and followed all that up with a greeat firework show set to some of my favorite songs of the 80's! And to top it off, our girls were amazing! I could not have been more proud of their behavior and how they endured the long night! Luckily, Brooklyn is a cuddler and enjoyed sitting in our laps. She even let a fellow church member rock her to sleep for about 30 minutes or so. She laughed and clapped and really soaked in her first Ranger's game! Maddie enjoyed each time her favorite player got up to bat (Nelson Cruz) and sang along with David Murphy's entrance song, since she has begun learning the words to Christian music we play! They both loved the fireworks and it was such a fun night! We didn't get home till 1:30am but the girls (already asleep) transitioned into their beds perfectly! It was a great night!

Maddie in her seat!

Brooklyn sat with Nana and Papaw for a while but as soon as she realized we had cotton candy, she started yelling at me to give her some!

Maddie and her crush-Rhett. She has already asked him if he would be her husband and he said No! Haha....she even cried! Maybe one day he'll enjoy all that love she keeps sending his way!


Today, we celebrated Father's Day! Maddie and I made daddy a Pinterest inspired card and he loved it (especially since he has quite the sweet tooth!) I wrote out the words and she taped the candy at the appropriate spots. I also got him some of his favorite cologne and am cooking him a special dinner tonight! He's currently in his Ranger's pajamas, watching the game and drifting in and out of sleep. :)  My girls are so lucky to have such a loving and hands-on dad and I am lucky to have married a man that works extra hard to provide for us so that I can be at home with our kids while they are little! We love you Jaime!

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