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Thursday, June 21, 2012

30 weeks!

Yesterday, I visited Dr. Harris for my 30 week appointment. My, oh my, time has really flown with this pregnancy and I can hardly believe that we are staring the home stretch square between the eyes! I suppose I have 10 weeks till my due date, but since I've never seen 40 weeks before, I can't imagine doing it this time either. My guess is that I probably have anywhere from 6-8 weeks left. At my visit, Dr. Harris told me that my belly was definetely growing and she would like to do a sonogram at our next visit to get an idea on how big Easton may be getting! The consensus between a lot of people so far, has been that he may be my bigger baby,so Im grateful that she is going to watch it for me. Besides, Im very excited to get another sneak peek at him! Here are a few updates on how this pregnancy is going:

-I failed my one hour glucose test and barely passed my three hour one. I do NOT have gestational diabetes and do NOT have to check my blood sugar levels. However, there was enough of an abnormality that she has suggested I watch my sugar intake. So Im avoiding excessive sweets and trying not to go crazy on carbs!

-I have only gained 19 pounds so far and I am so excited about this! My weight gain has been much slower this go-round and everyone tells me that what I have gained, just seems to go straight to my belly!Im still on a good track to end this pregnancy with a smaller weight gain than I did with the girls!

-experienced some swelling in my feet on two occasions but it went away both times!

-Braxton Hicks are increasing in frequency and becoming more uncomfortable

-I have a lot of soreness and pressure

-sleeping has become more difficult

-enjoying lots of movement from this little guy and really trying to savor every moment of these last weeks!

-pre-registered at ETMC

-almost done with his nursery

Easton, we are so excited to meet you and look forward to how our lives will change with your addition! I know that our family will only be better with you in it!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Very excited for yall. I am glad things are going smooth. Have fun these last few weeks!