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Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

What a busy few days we have had!

Friday: Jaime coached his last soccer game before starting the play-offs so the girls, my mom, and a lot of ladies from church went to the Olive Garden. Yummy! After, they all went to watch the Hunger Games and I came home.

Saturday: My birthday! Yep, I turned the big 29 and am spending my last year in the 20's. Wow! We spent most of the day at Tyler Ford. Now don't get TOO excited about this! Earlier in the week, Jaime was in a wreck. Praise the Lord-he was ok but totalled his car. :( Considering that, and the fact that baby #3 is on the way, we started having to figure out some new car situations. I LOVED my Ford Edge but it didn't have 3rd row seating. We are still waiting on the settlement from the insurance company for Jaime's car but decided to go ahead and start shifting around the cars now and get it all done at once. In a great effort to always only have one car payment, we decided to trade my car in. I had $10,000 left on pay-out for my car and they gave us $18,000 for it. What a trade in! With that, we got a used (also a Dave Ramsey suggestion) 2009 Ford Flex. Considering we also financed it at a much lower cost, we walked out of there lowering our monthly payment by about $130. That was totally unexpected! Now, Im still getting use to the new car. My Edge was my baby and I feel a little bit like the Adam's Family in this new car! :) But it's fine! It's still pretty new, meets a need, has full warranty, and lowered our payments. I really can't complain too much about that! Jaime is going to get himself a car soon, with the cash he gets from the insurance company. Still only keeping us at one car payment!
Saturday night, we headed to my parents for the birthday dinner I requested!

Sunday: We went to church as usual and pretty much lounged around the rest of the day.

Today I had a doctor's appointment and got to listen to our little man's heartbeat again. Next month, we have our ultrasound where Dr. Harris (fingers crossed) will confirm that it's still a boy! Then my mom and I went shopping. I picked up the girls' Easter dresses (matching of course) and used my birthday money to get some maternity clothes. I am carrying so differently this pregnancy and am much smaller. I am also carrying in a different season so I have been in need of a few things! With the girls, I was huge. So far, Im 18 weeks and have only gained about 3 pounds! And considering those 3 pounds I had actually lost at the beginning of the pregnancy, Im technically still the exact same weight I was when I got pregnant! How cool!

Tomorrow, Jaime and I are doing dinner and shopping to celebrate my birthday! Can't wait for some quality time together!

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