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Monday, March 12, 2012

11 Months

We are one month closer to our baby girl becoming a one year old! Wow! Not much has changed since last month and unfortunately I failed on taking many pictures this go-'round. But here is what 11 months looks like for you, sweet girl!

-still sleeping great. Usually going to bed at about 7:30 and sleeping till about 6:30.
-drinking formula from your sippy cup. Not a big fan of juice.
-a hungry girl and eating mostly graduate foods or table food. Enjoys snacks.
-we are brushing 5 teeth these days with some more trying to come through
-can still wear 6/9 month clothes, 9 month, and some 12 month if it is a smaller fit
-weigh about 20 pounds
-wearing size 4 diapers but with plenty of growing room
-short. Really short!
-fighting an ear infection that we've battled for well over a month
-can stand by yourself and maybe take one step unassisted. Usually cruising around furniture though or pushing your walker.

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