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Friday, November 11, 2011

Sweet 7 Month Old

Our Brooklyn is 7 months old today and such a joy! I can hardly believe how quickly the time is passing and wish some days that I could just freeze time. I can not even begin to describe how much I love this baby girl of mine. She is such an easy baby and I am just so blessed with her in my life!

At 7 months, you are:

-sitting up all by yourself
-eating 3 meals a day and still nursing as well
-sleeping from about 8-6
-taking 2 to 3 naps during the day
-wearing 6-9 month clothing
-wearing size 3 diaper
-becoming more interested in toys and sometimes, I'll catch you watching a cartoon on tv
-still no teeth but you have started messing around with your ear some. Maybe a sign of things to come.
-loves to cuddle and really enjoys bath time
-very ticklish still and you have the cutest little side-to-side rock when you hear music

I bought a new outfit last night that I thought was so cute. So along with our usual monthly photo, I decided to do a little mini photo shoot too!

I love you baby girl! :)

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