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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

In an effort to reach our communities, Trinity hosted it's 2nd annual Light the Night. Host homes, across the area, are used in an effort to get to "know your neighbor" a litle bit better. Just like last year, we hosted a home, and several families joined us in lighting the night! We have games set up for trick-or-treaters, glow sticks and candy to pass out, and information about our church available. There are always plenty of people to help the host home so we were still able to take our own kids trick or treating in our neighborhood too!
I really wanted to do a theme for our family this year. Since Maddie is our little blondie and Brooklyn is often referred to as our little bear; I decided on none other than Goldilocks and the Three Bears! I ordered costumes for the girls and just made t-shirts for Jaime and I. Maddie was so excited. Brooklyn's costume was huge and she only wore it long enough for pictures, but I thought the idea turned out really cute! This was Maddie's first year to trick or treat and she was SO excited. She kept saying trick or treat" over and over again until they acknowledged her in some way. And once she got candy, she didn't quite understand that she was then suppose to back up and let the next child go. Nope, not my child! She proceeded to talk  with each person, often asking them if they had any doggies and what there names were. Crazy girl!! Needless to say, she crashed by the end of the night!

Halloween Morning!


Baby Bear

All of Us

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