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Monday, November 7, 2011

Cookie Makin'

I often forget to spend a little time with my big girl. I stay so busy with Brooklyn, and Maddie is older and so independent, that I usually send her off to entertain herself. While I don't think this is necessarily bad, I need to do a better job at splitting my time and having some one-on-one time with my oldest daughter when I can get a moment! So, today while Brooklyn slept, I pulled out some cookie play-dough that was given to me a while back. We had played with it once before and I decided it was high-time to make some cookies once again! We washed our hands really well and got to work! Maddie loved it and we now have some yummy (and shall I say....interesting!) cookies to munch on!

Excuse my very old cookie sheet! But how about those cookies? I think they turned out great! I so enjoyed spending some quality time with my Maddie girl today!

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