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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Yellow Dress

Brooklyn is starting to wear 0-3 month sized clothing now. The other day I was trying to find one outfit in particular that didn't seem to be too big. I spotted this pale yellow dress that Maddie wore as a baby. I remembered, that even though it was 0-3 month sized, it was made a little smaller, and would be perfect for Brooklyn right now. So, I pulled it out and put it on. My how the memories came flooding back! The great thing for Brooklyn is that she has an endless supply of clothes (being our 2nd girl and all) and I am so grateful to be able to use all the cute outfits I had for Maddie all over again. This, Im sure, is just the first of many times that Miss B is going to be sharing her sister's clothing!

Here is Maddie, 3 years ago, in the arms of my Papa:

And here is (a very hungry) Brooklyn, today:

1 comment:

Windy Smith said...

Sweet pictures of Papa and Maddie girl. Tell Brooklyn, Windy will be over to see her tomorrow!