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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Maddie's 1st Soccer Game

Since last Saturday's game got rained out, today was Maddie's first attempt at soccer. She is playing on the 3-4 year old team through the local YMCA! There are 5 kids on the team and she is one of two girls. Isn't she beautiful?

I was so proud of her and we all enjoyed watching her run around!
She did great at the start of the game but then began to shut-down some towards the end. It was hot and she started saying her tummy hurt, but I really think she was upset at not getting the ball enough. (Yes, we have a ball hog on the team!) After a quick assesment, we decided her tummy was ok and told her she had to get back out there with her team and finish playing. After that, she was fine! How funny to see 3 year olds (like Maddie) that get discouraged and are already so critical of themselves and their performance! We kept pushing her though and reminding her that she was doing great! I only anticipate things to get better as the season goes on.

And before I wrap it up, here is a quick shot of Brooklyn Bear's little grin. What precious girls I have!

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