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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Brooklyn-One Month


One month ago, today, you entered this world. What a great day that was! Your daddy and I, along with big sister, completely adore you and love watching you grow. You are the 2nd most beautiful girl and have a very special place in our family of four. Here are a few things about you right now:

-weigh 8lbs and 14oz (birth weight was 7.2 and you dropped down to 6.9)
-you are a great eater and want to eat about every 2 hours (this kind of wears mommy out a little!)
-you had your days and nights mixed up but are slowly starting to turn a corner with that. you still sleep most of the day though and stay awake a little more in the evenings now. at about 3 weeks, you transitioned to sleeping in your crib.
-you like the sound of your sister singing to you
-you still have brown hair, dark blue eyes, and olive complexion
-you recently had to have the remaining portion of your umbilical cord treated since a small segment remained attached. hopefully it will finish falling off soon.
-wear newborn clothes and diapers. some 0-3 clothes fit ok and we are moving in that direction now.

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