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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Maddie's 1st Soccer Game

Since last Saturday's game got rained out, today was Maddie's first attempt at soccer. She is playing on the 3-4 year old team through the local YMCA! There are 5 kids on the team and she is one of two girls. Isn't she beautiful?

I was so proud of her and we all enjoyed watching her run around!
She did great at the start of the game but then began to shut-down some towards the end. It was hot and she started saying her tummy hurt, but I really think she was upset at not getting the ball enough. (Yes, we have a ball hog on the team!) After a quick assesment, we decided her tummy was ok and told her she had to get back out there with her team and finish playing. After that, she was fine! How funny to see 3 year olds (like Maddie) that get discouraged and are already so critical of themselves and their performance! We kept pushing her though and reminding her that she was doing great! I only anticipate things to get better as the season goes on.

And before I wrap it up, here is a quick shot of Brooklyn Bear's little grin. What precious girls I have!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

"B" is for Baby Brooklyn!!

Okay, is this not the cutest outfit EVER....and being modeled by one of the cutest baby girls around?!?!? My cousin got this outfit for Brooklyn and I just love it. She wore it to church this morning and it was a big hit! Not only does it show the big B on her shirt but there is also one on her pants by the ankle and matching bow on her head-band! SO CUTE! Just another reason why Im loving my little girl right now!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Girls

Look who's 5 weeks old (as of yesterday) and completely precious!

Sisters, playing around on the floor!

                                Maddie, all decked out in her soccer gear, and heading to her first practice!

I must be the luckiest mommy in the world to have such beautiful and sweet girls!! Thank you God for blessing me in such a big way!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Yellow Dress

Brooklyn is starting to wear 0-3 month sized clothing now. The other day I was trying to find one outfit in particular that didn't seem to be too big. I spotted this pale yellow dress that Maddie wore as a baby. I remembered, that even though it was 0-3 month sized, it was made a little smaller, and would be perfect for Brooklyn right now. So, I pulled it out and put it on. My how the memories came flooding back! The great thing for Brooklyn is that she has an endless supply of clothes (being our 2nd girl and all) and I am so grateful to be able to use all the cute outfits I had for Maddie all over again. This, Im sure, is just the first of many times that Miss B is going to be sharing her sister's clothing!

Here is Maddie, 3 years ago, in the arms of my Papa:

And here is (a very hungry) Brooklyn, today:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Brooklyn-One Month


One month ago, today, you entered this world. What a great day that was! Your daddy and I, along with big sister, completely adore you and love watching you grow. You are the 2nd most beautiful girl and have a very special place in our family of four. Here are a few things about you right now:

-weigh 8lbs and 14oz (birth weight was 7.2 and you dropped down to 6.9)
-you are a great eater and want to eat about every 2 hours (this kind of wears mommy out a little!)
-you had your days and nights mixed up but are slowly starting to turn a corner with that. you still sleep most of the day though and stay awake a little more in the evenings now. at about 3 weeks, you transitioned to sleeping in your crib.
-you like the sound of your sister singing to you
-you still have brown hair, dark blue eyes, and olive complexion
-you recently had to have the remaining portion of your umbilical cord treated since a small segment remained attached. hopefully it will finish falling off soon.
-wear newborn clothes and diapers. some 0-3 clothes fit ok and we are moving in that direction now.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

3 years ago I had just become a mom to my sweet Maddie:

And today Maddie is all grown up with a new little sister:

Jaime bought me a new mother's ring. I have one for Maddie (the stackable kind) and he got a new one to add to it for Brooklyn. It has her name, birthdate, and April birthstone...the whole works! Here is my gift from the girls:

Precious, right?!?!? And for all you other moms out there who like these kinds of things; I know exactly where you can get one. All you have to do is ask!

Happy Mother's Day!