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Sunday, December 19, 2010


I really need to take the opportunity to not only share my fears and worries, but to also share the things that I am grateful for! This is an an effort to change my way of thinking...slowly...but surely...

So hear goes:

1. Praise the Lord that the sonographer and doctor discovered the issue with Brooklyn's umbilical cord insertion! If it had been overlooked and not treated accordingly, the end results would most certainly be very bad. As scared and uncertain as I am about how things are going to play out, I have to be thankful to God for not allowing me to be one of the "undetected cases".

2. Thank you God for allowing me to be off all this next week from work! This break could not have come at a better time. I am in huge need of some rest and relaxation! It feels so good as I sit here on Sunday evening, knowing I do NOT have to go to work in the morning!

3. Ahhhh, and as I sit here typing...little Miss Brooklyn is kicking away and beginning to move my whole belly! What a fun feeling. Thank you God that I get the unique opportunity as a woman to experience carrying a child. This child. It is wonderful!

4. My Maddie. She is the best and I just know that she is going to be a wonderful big sister! She already loves Brooklyn so much and I love when she comes up to me, lifts my shirt up, and starts looking for her little sister in my belly button (except if we are in public!). It really makes me laugh!

5. Last but not least-praise God for a great husband! My emotions and hormones get the best of me-often. Somedays, he really puts up with a lot from me. I don't know that any other man would have done all that he has. I should say Thank You for him, and to him, a lot more often!

The list could go on and on but these things are what's specifically on my heart right now.

Continue to pray for Brooklyn! Our next appt is on January 10th and Im already anxious. Im praying for continued answers (hopefully in the form of reasonably good news) and a plan being laid out.

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