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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Unfortunately, Christmas was not all that I had hoped for this year.

On Christmas Eve, we traveled to Carthage to visit my grandmother. On the car ride over, I felt weak and a little nauseated. I assumed that I would perk up after eating something. I struggled to get lunch down and immediately went to lie in the chair afterwards, while everyone else played games. An hour or so passed, and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get home! Before we even pulled out of the drive, I got violently ill! It was awful but for a moment, I felt a little better. I tried to sleep the whole way home and then immediately went to my bed. I slept for about 2 hours before waking up feeling sick again. It was uncontrollable and I was miserable. My mom and Jaime kept trying to encourage me to go to the ER because I wasn't able to keep anything down. It was a tough decision to make though. Afterall, it was Christmas Eve (my favorite time of the year) and there were plans we had with Maddie. I was devastated but knew that I was dehydrated and needed a little IV help. So we drove to Tyler and sent Maddie to Nana and Papaw's house. They made cookies for Santa and read Christmas stories along with wrapping all of the "Santa" gifts, while we went to the hospital. I was sad but I know that Maddie really didn't know the difference yet. Thank goodness for her only being 2 1/2!!! It was a good thing that we went in. They immediately admitted me to labor and delivery for the night. I got set up in a room, hooked up to fetal monitors, and checked periodically. I was so dehydrated that my uterus was a little irritable. I went through 3 bags of fluid along with getting nausea medicine. The fluid helped quite a bit and by noon Christmas day, we were able to leave. I've been weak and tired, but better. We were able to do Santa with Maddie later that afternoon and she had a blast! I managed to make it through the day, carrying on with some yearly traditions, and crashed hard by the end of the night. Most importantly, Brooklyn's heart rate was great the whole time and Maddie has a super Christmas. As long as my girls are happy, right?!?!?!? :) Here are a few pictures:

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