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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

Maddie's first Christmas has come and gone. It was an interesting day for us in the Crouse House. I woke up at around 4:30 in the morning to the sounds of a very sick husband. Poor Jaime was throwing up and running a high fever. Christmas day started off pretty slow. I kept Maddie and myself away from Jaime while he slept in the bedroom. Around 3:00 in the afternoon, he stumbled out so that we could do Santa with Maddie. Even though he felt awful, he was a good sport, and Maddie really enjoyed opening and playing with all her gifts.

Luckily, Jaime felt better quickly and we moved right into a visit from his mother! This is only the second time that she has seen Maddie, so it was very special. She arrived on the 29th, and on the 30th, she babysat while Jaime and I went out to eat for our anniversary! It was a lot of fun to be out alone, but by the end of the night, we were both ready to get home and see our girl. It's funny how babies change things!

Now we have rung in a new year, Jaime's mother has left, and we are all trying to get back into a normal routine again. I start my new job very soon and I'm pretty nervous about the transition from mommy to career woman/mommy. I hope that this experience, along with the rest of what 2009 has to offer, is full of blessings and a ton of fun!

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks:

Maddie and Mommy at JTB

Christmas Eve

Stocking Stuffers

Gifts from Santa

Grandma Jan came to visit

Going out for our anniversary!


Windy Smith said...

Looks like Maddie has a wonderful First Christmas! You and Jaime look great after 2 years! Good luck next week with the job and adjusting to that change in your life. I know it is a big one. I love your new blog layout!

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