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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week One

I made it! I just finished up my first week at my new job. It was an overwhelming week for me. You have to remember-even though my degree is totally acceptable for my job; I never thought I would ever end up doing something in criminal justice. I took zero classes on the subject and saw myself doing adoption or foster care, if I ever went to work. I was certainly thrown into the criminal justice field this week, though! Luckily, I will spend about a month doing observations before I start tackling my own case load of probationers. I saw some very interesting things this week. I helped with drug testing other women, saw several people get arrested for violating their conditions of probation, went to court, went to the jail, and on and on. I missed Maddie like crazy (of course) but she seemed to adjust well. I suppose it's mommy that is having the hardest time adjusting. I hope that I learn quickly and in the end-actually end up enjoying my job. I think there's a possibility!

1 comment:

Windy Smith said...

Well, I am glad you made it! It sounds very interesting and like it will keep you busy and doing things to pass the time quickly. It is always the hardest on Mommy, but Maddie is probably having a blast!