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Friday, January 9, 2009


Monday will be a big day for me. I start my first day on the job as a probation officer and I am SO nervous. This is a big time job and I know I have some pretty intense training to work through. I hope that things come quickly to me and I succeed at what they have for me. It's always nerve-wracking when learning something new and then having to perform in it. I suppose what I am most nervous about is managing my life as a mom and "new-found" career woman. This will be very new to me. I have had 10 GREAT months at home with Maddie and I'm scared to completely change my life around. I don't like change, at all. I function off of a schedule and I try to stick with that schedule as much as possible. When something throws a kink in it, then that causes stress to me. I'm sure I will pick-up a new schedule through this all, but I will have to have time to adjust to this transition.
I'm also nervous about what this means for another baby. Obviously, the money is going to be nice, but I don't know how career and pregnancy fit together, especially with a 6 month probation period. I've just never done it. How do I possibly go back to work after a maternity leave when I spent so much time at home with Maddie? Can I still nurse?
Originally, we had plans to start trying again in March (when Maddie turns 1). March is quickly approaching! We want our children close together; always have. Now with the job, I don't know if that's the best decision. Maybe I should wait a few more months because I don't know what other people would think. Gosh, I just don't know....
What do you think?


Crazy Family said...

You are going to do just fine... RELAX... God knows what His plans are for you and everything else is just details.

Caci said...

Don't worry so much about what other people think!! Trust me you can't please them, so just do what is best for you and your family....and Meredith is right, God knows His plans for you...and they are GOOD ones!! I can say that with 100% assurance!! Just because you start "trying" in March doesn't mean that you will get pregnant in March--although you are related to me so the odds are good! LOL But anyway, relax....especially when you DO start trying...you'll have a much easier time getting pregnant again if you aren't stressing about stuff! I LOVE YOU and I am so proud of all that you are doing! I know you are an excellent mom!!